Integrated System of electronic identification

The ІSЕІ (ID.GOV.UA) is an integral part of the information and telecommunication infrastructure that provides electronic interaction of the subjects of interaction with the users of the system.

ID.GOV.UA users

Individuals and legal entities, natural persons - entrepreneurs who access the information and telecommunication systems of the subjects of interaction and undergo electronic identification through the system using electronic identification means, the operation of which is provided by the system, and in the manner prescribed by law have agreed to process their personal data.

ID.GOV.UA provides

  • conducting of regulatory procedures and electronic identification of the ISEI users so they can receive electronic services or get access to services;
  • interaction and compatibility with information and telecommunication systems that implement electronic identification schemes and information and telecommunication systems;
  • compliance with the requirements of the legislation on information and personal data protection;
  • development of the ISEI in the direction of integration into information and telecommunication systems for cross-border electronic identification;
  • integration of information and telecommunication systems of the subjects of interaction into the ISEI.

The subjects of ISEI interaction

  • public authorities, local self-governmental bodies, their officials;
  • legal entities and individuals - entrepreneurs;
  • providers of electronic trust services and providers of electronic identification services;
  • administrators of intermediate electronic identification nodes (hubs);
  • technical administrator (the state enterprise "DIIA");
  • system holder (the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine).

The objects of ISEI interaction

  • electronic identification means that included among the electronic identification schemes, which are used by the system users to carry out electronic identification procedures;
  • information and telecommunication systems of state authorities, local self-governmental bodies;
  • information and telecommunication systems of legal entities and natural persons - entrepreneurs;
  • information and telecommunication systems that implement electronic identification schemes;
  • information and telecommunication systems that implement electronic identification schemes within the framework of cross-border electronic identification.


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