National Register of Electronic Information Resources

The National Register of Electronic Information Resources (NREIR) is a state repository created to maintain records of all electronic information resources of the government. It encompasses electronic registers, cadastres, classifiers, and information systems that facilitate their functioning and utilize the information from these resources. The establishment of this register aims to standardize the information contained in state databases and prevent the duplication of data related to objects of state registration.

NREIR plays a crucial role in the interoperability system of the country and provides organizational support to Trembita, the System of Electronic Interaction of State Electronic Information Resources. Additionally, the register is responsible for facilitating an electronic process for approving and accessing state registers by facilitating the appropriate e-agreements between the data provider, the recipient, and the holder of NREIR.

The creation of NREIR was mandated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through Resolution No. 357 titled "Some Issues of Organization of Electronic Interaction of State Electronic Information Resources," dated May 10, 2018.

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