About company
The state commercial enterprise "DIIA" is based on state property and belongs to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. The company was established by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of July 29, 2019 № 558 "On some measures to improve access of individuals and legal entities to electronic services" and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 4, 2019 № 1137 "Issues of the Unified State Web Portal of electronic services and the Unified State Portal of Administrative Services” with the purpose to improve the access of individuals and legal entities to electronic services.
Main areas of activity:
- provision of electronic services (including administrative and other public services) by receiving and using, if necessary, of information from national electronic information resources, which is necessary for the provision of such services;
- creation and functioning of the user's electronic cabinet on the web portal, as well as providing the users with access to information from national electronic information resources, in particular about the natural person, via this cabinet;
- provision of the users with information about electronic and administrative services, as well as other public services, which are fulfilled on the web portal;
- provision of official electronic correspondence during the fulfillment of services, consideration of appeals and administrative cases (cases considered by executive authorities, local governmental bodies, their officials, other entities that are legally authorized to perform public authority management functions, for the purpose of making decisions of individual action aimed at the obtaining, change, termination or implementation of the rights and obligations of the person, along with the protection of his/her rights), as well as when considering other issues using the web portal;
- payment of administrative fees for the provision of administrative services, fines for administrative violations, state customs duties, other payments; settlements for other public services, in particular, public utility services;
- in real time mode provision of the information on status and results of the delivery of services, consideration of appeals and administrative cases to the subjects of appeals;
- receipt of the results of the provision of electronic services, consideration of appeals and administrative cases by the subjects of appeals;
- submission of complaints based on the results of provided services, considered appeals and administrative cases, provision of official electronic correspondence during appeal procedures, providing the complainant with information on status and results of the complaint in real time mode, as well as receiving these results by the complainant;
- formation of digital images of documents that can be presented (provided) by a person on a smartphone through the specified mobile application by means of the web portal, including with the use of the mobile application of the Portal Diia (Diia);
- conducting surveys on initiatives and projects in various spheres of public life;
- monitoring and evaluating the quality of services provided using the web portal, in the centers of administrative services or directly by the subjects of appeals consideration;
- data protection (including personal) of the specified web portal from unauthorized access, destruction, modification;
- submission of electronic appeals through the web portal;
- performing other tasks specified by law.
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine of December 4, 2019 № 1137
"Issues of the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services and the Unified State Portal of Administrative Services"