Purchases of the Enterprise


January 29, 2021. Purchase of network equipment


Due to the constant growth of the number of users and the deployment of new projects with the aim to stabilize the Diia ecosystem as well as to implement a system architecture of all solutions, and increase the reliability of infrastructure to arrange all components of the Diia ecosystem, a need to ensure resilience at all infrastructure levels has appeared. Fulfillment of this task requires the purchase of routers with firewall functions to build the main and backup server sites.

With this aim, on January 29, 2021, the state enterprise "DIIA" started an open bidding procedure (with publication in English) for the purchase of network equipment on the subject: "Code DK 021: 2015 - 32420000-3 - Network equipment" in accordance with the technical requirements that ensure of the set tasks fulfillment (specified in appendix 5 to the tender documentation).

The amount of the expected value of the subject of procurement is determined on the basis of market consultations with official distributors of goods in Ukraine and processing of publicly available information on prices and range of goods contained in open sources (including manufacturer's sites, price lists and electronic procurement system Prozorro).

January 25, 2021. Purchase of network cryptomodules "Gryada-301" (high-performance device)


In order to ensure the complete and smooth operation of information systems, the technical administrator of which is the state enterprise "DIIA", and in particular, the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services (Portal Diia) and its components, defined by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 04.12.2019 № 1137 “Issues of  Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services and Unified State Portal of Administrative Services ", as well as taking into account the requirements of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 02.09.2020 № 785" On the implementation of a pilot project on the use of remote qualified electronic signature Smart Diia ", there was a need to implement functions of preserving of personal keys of signatories in the means of the qualified electronic signature which is the hardware and software device located in the separate, specially intended for this purpose room of the qualified trust services provider (paragraph 4 of item 1 the  RCMU № 785).

The comparative analysis of the existing hardware and software means of Complex Information Protection (CIP), working as part of the information and telecommunications system of a qualified trust services provider "Diia", as well as the analysis of their analogues available on the market, confirmed the lack of hardware and software compatibility between the hardware and software CIP means produced by JSC "IIT" and hardware and software CIP means of other manufacturers.

In view of the above, on January 25, 2021 the state enterprise "DIIA" started the negotiation procedure for the purchase of network crypto modules "Gryada-301" (high-performance device) on the subject of the procurement: "Digital transmission equipment, code DK 021: 2015 - 32270000-6".

The expected value of the procurement object is determined on the basis of a request for a commercial offer from the manufacturer of the product and comparing it with the prices of similar purchases, information on which is available on the Internet (in particular, in the electronic procurement system Prozorro).

January 22, 2021. Purchase of services for storing the archive of personal files of a qualified trust services provider


State Enterprise "DIIA", on the basis of which the qualified trust services provider "Diia" (hereinafter - the Provider) operates, provides qualified trust services to legal entities, natural persons, and self-employed entrepreneurs.

Currently, there is an urgent need for centralized storage of the Provider's archive, which have been generated since 2015 and contain personal data (applications for the formation or change of status of qualified public key certificates and copies of documents provided by applicants during identification).

In accordance with the order of the Administration of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine of 14.05.2020 № 269 "On establishing security and information protection requirements for qualified trust services providers and their separate registration points" there are several data storage security requirements to be fulfilled.

Taking into account that the provider does not have its own premises for the organization of centralized storage of an archive, the proposals for the lease of premises that can be used for the storage of an archive, and services for the organization and preservation of archival documents were analyzed.

On January 22, 2021, open bidding was started for the purchase of Services for storage of the archive of personal files of a qualified trust services provider on the subject: "Services of libraries and archives, code DK 021: 2015 - 92510000-9".

The technical requirements given in Annex 5 to the tender documentation were compiled taking into account the specifics of storage of archival files of the Provider.

The amount of the expected value of the object of the procurement is determined on the basis of the analysis of information on prices for services received from companies that provide similar services.

December 24, 2020. Purchase of data storage and processing services in the form of a cloud (virtual) data processing center


In order to ensure the complete and smooth operation of information systems, the technical administrator of which is the state enterprise "DIIA", in particular, the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services (Portal Diia) and its components, defined by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 04.12.2019 № 1137 Issues of Unified state web portal of electronic services and Unified state portal of administrative services" 24.12.2020 state enterprise" DIIA "started  a negotiation procedure for the purchase of data storage and processing services in the form of a cloud (virtual) data processing center on the subject:" Data processing services, code DK 021: 2015 - 72310000-1 ».

The expected value of the subject of procurement is determined on the basis of the projected amount of computing resources required for the creation, development, and operation of the Portal Diia by the end of 2021, and on the basis of tariffs for services, which had been used calculating the price of a similar contract concluded by SE "DIIA" with LLC " DE NOVO ”in July 2020 (which expires on 31.12.2020).
